As they were going up, they were caught by a giant robot holding a hot dog, which threw them behind it. When gravity caught up with them and they began to fall, they bounced off of plates holding large jellies, which launched them up once more. The group, meanwhile, was still flying through the air, some of them screaming as they flew. Scootaloo leapt down from the control panel and ran to the door, saying, “Come on, we’ve got to find them!” Apple Bloom leapt down and Sweetie Belle dropped the manual, both of them running after her. It doesn’t say where they go, but it does say they should have a soft landing.” “Was that supposed ta happen?” Apple Bloom asked Sweetie Belle, the unicorn filly rushing over to where she dropped the manual.Īfter consulting it for a moment, she said, “Uh, yeah. II 6,449 wordsīack in the booth, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom looked shocked as they saw what happened on the video camera.
Sweet Mountain and Planet Wisp, Part V 6,036 words.Sweet Mountain and Planet Wisp, Part IV 7,989 words.Sweet Mountain and Planet Wisp, Part III 9,982 words.